Know your taxi
There are two types of licensed vehicles in Scunthorpe
Hackney Carriage
- They have a ‘DJS TAXI’ roofsign.
- They must display the yellow North Licolnshire Council decals on the front doors.
- Taxis have a meter which has the fare by the Council.
- You can hail a Taxi anywhere in the town when available for hire or at a designated Taxi Rank.
- Taxis can also undertake pre-booked work.
Private hire
- Can be any colour.
- May display company name, ‘Private Hire Only’ and company telephone number on the Rear, Front and Side doors.
- Is not required to have a meter, but can choose to use one.
- A Private Hire can only undertake pre-booked work through a licenced operator.
- A Private Hire can not pick up at taxi ranks or be hailed on the street.
How do I tell my taxi is a DJS Taxi?
- Not all white taxis in Scunthorpe are DJS Taxis, some are independent Hackney Carriages that operate from ranks in the Town Centre or work for another company.
- Our Hackney Carriage vehicles all have a DJS TAXIS roof sign, phone number and some may have stripes on the side.
- Our Private Hire vehicles (which can be any colour ) all clearly display the logo, number and stripes on the side.
- DJS Taxis drivers are all uniformed, and display a licenced badge at all times.
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Our friendly team are available 24-7
0172 433 3222
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